Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Bible study recommendation

I caught a glimpse of Kathleen Nielson's name one day as I was browsing the Gospel Coalition website in search of tools to use for women's Bible study.  After reading much of her book, Following the Ways of the Word, I wanted to post it here as another resource for use in planning and leading Bible studies, as well as for personal study.  This book is a gem in learning how to interpret God's word according to the big picture of how it points to Christ, as well as examining and interpreting the Bible through the lens of a literary work.  The Lord has revealed Himself to us through stories, poetry, prophecy...and as we understand more of each genre, the message He is communicating becomes more clear.

Bible Study: Following the Ways of the Word  -     
        By: Kathleen Buswell Nielson
I would also recommend Nielson's Bible studies, which seek to point the studier to the word itself rather than reliance on outside sources.  She has written and published several that can be seen and purchased on the CBD website.  One of our church's Bible study leaders just finished leading 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and it sounds like it was a powerful and transforming study. 
It may be good to bear in mind that Nielson comes from a reformed view of scripture.  I may differ with her on a few things and have enjoyed being challenged in my thinking.  Either way, there is much here to glean.