First, find a good commentary (or two) on the book you will be studying if you want to deepen your understanding of the text. Be thoughtful in reading any commentary, allowing it to stretch your understanding of scripture and others’ viewpoints, while giving yourself room to not have to agree with every author on every point. Be discerning.
There are two kinds of commentaries I have used:
Commentaries on the whole Bible:
The Bible Knowledge Commentary for the Old and New Testament by Walvoord and Zuck
Zondervan NIV Bible Commentary for the Old and New Testament by Barker and Kohlenberger
Commentaries on one book of the Bible:
These tend to be more application-oriented than a commentary on the whole Bible:
NIV Application Commentary
The “Be Series” by Warren Wiersbe
Look for commentaries by people like H. A. Ironside, Martin Lloyd Jones, F.F.Bruce, Frances Shaffer, even Martin Luther or John Calvin. It is interesting and enriching to read things written by these great saints who have gone before us.
You can listen to sermons of texts on and other websites. Again, be discerning. Ask for pastoral help if you’d like more direction on any commentaries.
Other study helps:
The New Bible Dictionary, a Bible atlas (Then and Now Bible Maps is a fun way to learn Bible geography), Halley’s Bible Handbook or Zondervan’s Handbook to the Bible
Living By the Book by Howard Hendricks: teaches more in depth study skill by skill. His method can easily complement the 3 question method.
What the Bible is All About by Henrietta Mears. This book is particularly helpful in showing how the Old Testament points to the person and work of Christ.
Search the Scriptures by Alan Stibbs, contains questions for every book of the Bible
Into the Word by Anne Graham Lotz has 52 Bible studies, one for every week of the year. I would highly recommend this to supplement your study and add variety to your quiet times.
Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer and Praying the Attributes of God by Rosemary Jensen
For Kids:
What the Bible is All About for Young Explorers, based on classic by Henrietta Mears. This book is great for adults, too, as it gives an overview of content and message for every book of the Bible.
How to Study the Bible for Kids by Kay Arthur
The BBC Manual: Turning Your Bedroom Into a Bible College by Gregg Johnson (for teens)
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