Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Passion for Christ and Love for the Saints

Colossians 1:1-14
A passion for Christ and love for the saints

1:1-2   Greeting

1.a. How does Paul identify himself to the Colossians in verse 1?

b. Recall Paul’s conversion experience from Acts 9:1-19, and recounted by him in Acts 22:3-16 and 26:12-19.  How did this encounter with Christ, along with Paul’s background and God-given gifts,  help shape and impassion his life and service after his conversion?

c.  Can you describe how your encounter with God’s grace has shaped the passion and purpose of your life?  How has He molded and prepared you to serve Him?

3. a. How does Paul describe the brothers in Colossae? 

b. How are these words both a description of their standing before God and their witness before men?

4. From Paul’s greeting, what had been given to this church by God?  How are these two things related?

1:3-8   Thanksgiving

5.a. How often did Paul seem to pray for the Colossian church?  (3,9)  What was his attitude in prayer?

b. For whom do you pray regularly?  What is your attitude toward God and others as you pray?

6. a. For what specific things about the Colossian church does Paul thank God?

b. From verse 5 and the references that follow, describe faith, hope, and love.  (See also Heb. 11:6, Rom. 5:5, 1 Cor. 13:13, 1 Thess. 1:3, 1 Peter 1:3,5,22)

c. How does your hope in the gospel cultivate your faith in Christ and love toward others?

7. Which words in this section describe the universality of the gospel?

b. Which words describe its practical results?

c. How does this give Christians confidence to share the gospel with others today?

8. What lessons about discipleship do you learn from Epaphras’ example?

1:9-14 Paul’s prayer

9. a. What is Paul’s specific prayer for the Colossians?  (9)

b. How does a person become filled with the knowledge of God’s will?

c. What practical steps will you take to know and apply God’s will to your life?

10. What are the results of the kind of prayer Paul prayed?  (10)

11. a. What characterizes a believer whose life is worthy of and pleasing to the Lord?  (10-12)

b.Which of these characteristics have you seen God develop in your life?  Which do you need to prayerfully ask God to grow in you?

c. How do you see these characteristics exhibited in the ministry of our church?  Where can we be praying for growth and maturation?

12. a. For whom will you commit to pray in this way? 

b. How have you seen God answer a similar prayer in your life or the life of someone you have prayed for?

13. What four things has God done for us through his Son (13-14)?  Briefly describe each in your own words.

14. How does Paul’s attitude and example in this passage (1-14) challenge or encourage you?

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