Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fulness in Christ

Colossians 2:6-23

1.a. How did the Colossians receive Christ Jesus as Lord? (For review see 1:3-6)

b.How does one walk in Christ, just as they have received Him?

c. Can you think of reasons why you or another believer may stop growing in Christ?

Christ the Antidote to Human Philosophy (8-10)
2. a. Contrast the words Paul uses to describe human wisdom (8) with what Christians have been given in Christ (9-10).

b. What are some current examples of human wisdom, and how does it fall short of providing the answers people need today? 

3. How do the following verses aid your understanding of what it means to have been given fullness in Christ? 

John 1:16

Eph. 1:22-23

Eph. 3:17b-19

Eph. 4:11-13

Col. 1:19

Col. 1:25

Christ the Antidote to Jewish Legality (11-17)

4. a.What does circumcision symbolize for the believer?  (See also Rom. 2:29, Phil. 3:3)
b. What is the baptism Paul is referring to in this passage?  (See 1 Cor. 12:13.)  Explain your answer if possible.

c.  What was Paul trying teach the Colossians with this example about baptism and circumcision?

5. In verses 13-15, what verbs describe the actions God initiated on our behalf? 

b. Why were these actions necessary, and what did they accomplish?

6.a. What regulations were false teachers using to judge Colossian believers? (16)

b. By what “legalistic” standards can believers wrongly judge others today?

c. Why are human standards a poor judge of a person’s relationship with Christ?

Christ the Antidote to Oriental Mysticism (18-19)
7.a. In verses 18-19 Paul is countering mysticism taught by false teachers.  What did these false teachers claim?

b. What examples of mysticism do you see in the church today?  (Or in cults sometimes affiliated with the church?)

c. How does Paul describe such people in verses 18-19?

Christ the Antidote to Carnal Asceticism (20-23)
8. a. What other kinds of rules are being promoted, according to verses 20-21?

b. Why are these really not helpful but actually harmful?

c. Can you think of modern-day examples of such rules?

9. How many times can you find the phrases “in Christ” or “with Christ” used in this passage?  What do you learn from this?

10. How does this passage equip you to defend against false teaching?  Please indicate if something has specifically helped you.

*The divisions for this study were taken from H.A. Ironside’s commentary on Colossians.

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