Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Paul's Proclamation of Christ

I. Paul’s struggle in proclamation (1:24-27)

1.a. How does Paul describe his attitude and manner by which he is bringing the Word of God about Christ to the Colossian church?

b. How do God’s people “share in the afflictions of Christ”?  (See John 15:18-19, Rom. 8:36, and 2 Tim. 3:12 for examples)

c. In your opinion, can the gospel be advanced without some kind of suffering on the part of believers?  Why or why not? 

d. How can we rejoice in this suffering?  (See Acts 5:41 and 1 Peter 4:13-16)

2. a. “Mystery” is a truth that has been kept hidden but is now revealed.  In this passage the mystery Paul refers to was hidden in the OT but revealed by Christ before and especially after His death, resurrection, and ascension.  What is the mystery God has commissioned Paul to proclaim to the church?

b. Why was this a mystery in the OT?  How was it revealed by God in the NT?

3.What difference does it make to know Christ dwells in you?  How does this give you hope?

II. Paul’s method of proclamation (1:28-29)
4. How does Paul describe his method of proclaiming God’s truth about Christ?

b. What is Paul’s goal?  (Perfect in this passage means “complete” or “mature.”)

c. How will he accomplish this goal?

d. What does Paul’s example teach you about sharing Christ with others?

III. Paul’s purpose in proclamation (2:1-5)

5. For what purpose is Paul struggling in verses 2-3?

b. What was the condition of the church of Laodicea over 30 years later?  (See Rev. 3:14-22)  What warning do you receive from this knowledge?

c. Was Paul’s labor and struggle in vain?  (See 1 Cor. 15:58)  Explain.

d. How does this encourage you to press on when you don’t see results, whether in sharing the gospel with unbelievers or encouraging believers to live it?

6. a. Where are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden?  How does this compare to where people are looking for wisdom and knowledge today?

b. How will you point others to the knowledge of Christ?

7. What was Paul hoping to accomplish by presenting the truth of Christ to this church?  (See verse 4)

b. How does firm faith in Christ (5) guard our hearts and minds from deception?

c. As you survey our culture and world today, where do believers have to be especially on guard against deception? 

8. a. Go back over this passage one more time.  What is God’s purpose for believers, and how will He accomplish it?

b. How do your purposes line up with His?  What steps will you take to align yourself with God’s desire for His people?

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